Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Soy Chorizo Tacos

1 package trader joes soy chorizo
1/2 bag trader joes frozen fire roasted bell peppers and onions
shredded mexican cheese

cook frozen peppers and onions in pan until thawed completely. Crumble in soy chorizo and cook until hot. Serve on tortillas with cheese, salsa, and guac and some hot sauce.

verdict = awesome. Ate this for dinner 3 days straight on some whole grain tortillas from trader joes (maybe 10 inch tortillas?). So totally it made 6 (large) tacos.

follow up:
I made this again but with soyrizo from shaw's. The Trader Joe's soy chorizo was way better - more flavor, better texture (soyrizo was very mushy) and spicier too.

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